When any of the below occur from adblocker users visiting your website:
Site analytics blocked (not measured in dashboard)
Ads are blocked without option to replace with whitelisted ads (e.g. Acceptable Ads)
Adblock wall gets blocked (if it’s blocked, it’s not measured)
Specialist in dark traffic
Addresses the 70%+ of adblocking traffic that Acceptable Ads and adblock wall solutions can’t
Proven technology: 2+ years with consistent results for publishers
Independent: not working with or owned by an adblocker
Dark traffic page views measured
Recovered ad requests
Recovered adblock revenue that's net new
The only adblock recovery solution dedicated to measuring and monetizing dark traffic.
Simply add a single line script. Just decide which inventory to recover.
Recovered ads are shown
exclusively to adblock users. No impact on non-adblock users and existing ad revenue.
No upfront cost or SaaS pricing. We only get paid if you get paid.
Caused by browsers, extensions, apps, VPNs, network-level.
We only serve non-intrusive ads that are compliant with the Better Ads Standards. Opt-out function can be offered to users.
Ad-Shield detects 3-5x more adblocked page views than legacy adblock solutions
Ad-Shield recovers 3-7x more revenue than legacy adblock solutions